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Photos and Trip Reports
Get to know other GONewEnglanders and
the fun stuff we do
Click on the links to the left for some photos
and reports of
Outdoors New England
Let these photos whet your appetite and
inspire you to Get Outdoors and Make New Friends!
The links on the left side of the page let you visit our
photos and reports over the years.
Photos and trip reports by name can be found on the
Alphabetical List.
Share your GONewEngland
 | Send a link to a web page with photos and/or a trip report to Ken, and he'll let everyone know about it in
the Newsletter.
 | Send web-viewable photos
(usually JPGs) to Ken via e-mail. Please edit and compress
the photos before sending them and include a brief description of each in your mail.
missing photos, etc: Please report any problems with this
web site to Ken.

About Digital Cameras:
Your Webmaster is often asked about
digital cameras. Click here for resources and my
own thoughts.
About the photos & use of the photos:
All photographs were taken by Ken Leonard (Get Outdoors New England Webmaster) unless otherwise noted and
remain the possession of the original photographer. Camera used by Ken:
Casio QV-2000UX digital camera (through April 10, 2004); Canon Powershot A75
after April 10, 2004; Canon EOS Rebel T4i starting in 2013. Most photographs displayed here have been
edited (at the very least cropped and compressed).
The original uncompressed digital images (generally true
color 800x600 or 1024x768) are available if you would like one. You can have the image files
printed by commercial web sites such as OFoto, EMemories, or SnapFish. Contact Ken to request
the files.
Non-commercial use of any photo is permitted as long as
credit is given to the photographer and the Get Outdoors New
England web site.
Use of any photo on a commercial web page or commercial
hardcopy publication is limited to one of the following:
Where there is a profile of Get Outdoors New England, such as in a magazine article about the
web site |
Where there is link to the Get
Outdoors New England web site with a brief description of the GONewEngland
web site, as on a page with links to outdoor activity web sites |
For all other use of the photographs in a commercial
publication or on a commercial web site please contact Ken.
Credit must always be given to the photographer and/or the Get Outdoors New England web site no matter where the photo is
