From: Date: Tue, 10 Jun 97 08:36:57 -0500 Subject: a little Mahoosuc info Here's a little Mahoosuc information for interested parties. The date is tentatively set at August 1st, I believe. The notch is located northeast of Berlin, New Hampshire. The trails are located off of Success Pond Road, which is not well marked and is difficult to find unless you're a local. (Most hikers aren't locals so that means us!) It's an unpaved road. The trails I've chosen give us an eight hour loop hike to go through the notch without having to traverse the entire Mahoosuc range (which takes days). The names of the trails are the Notch Trail, entering from Success Pond Road and travelling to the foot of the notch (1 1/2 hours); then Mahoosuc Trail to travel through the notch to Mahoosuc Arm mountain (about 3 1/2 hours); then Speck Pond Trail from the vicinity of Speck Pond back to Success Pond Road (2 1/2 to 3 hours). The two trailheads are a mile or two apart so we'd have to spot cars. Times listed are according to the Appalachian Mountain Club Guide to the White Mountains. (The 3 hour time for Speck Pond Trail is listed for ascent but we'll be going in the other direction.) I've found I nearly always beat the book times, and I'm of only average ability. Travelling with a group can sometimes be slower, though, and the notch itself is rugged; so I'm guessing those times are reasonably accurate. The guide book says almost all of this terrain is under treeline, the exceptions being a few outlooks along the Speck Pond Trail. Rain, therefore, *may* not be an issue. If it's drizzling only, the tree cover might be enough (although the bugs will be out). If it's a downpour, that's another matter. Any other questions, feel free to e-mail me! John Good